You'll be a plant-powered nutrition superhero in no time
- Spice up your daily meal routine - Find new foods you haven't yet tried - Browse ingredients by category - When a non-vegan asks you, "What do vegans eat?", this is your 350-item answer!
"I have been vegan for quite some time and consider myself to be fairly well-versed. But this list is a great reminder of how much more is out there in terms of option and variety that I wouldn't have thought of."
Amir Ash Ali, vegan for 7 years
Founder of the K.I. Healthy Living Academy, Karina is your go-to vegan health and fitness coach, providing a friendly kick in the butt that inspires and motivates you to live your best, healthiest, most plant-strong life.
Author of 5 books, speaker, podcast host, award-winning and certified online coach, 22-year vegan, and lover of chin-ups (and dark chocolate), Karina and her team work tirelessly to ensure their clients skyrocket their energy, confidence, and plant-based health superpowers.